Week of Parshas Yisro
In honour of this year of Hakhel, we look forward to sharing more exciting events than usual.
U P D A T E D:
Shiurim have resumed in person! For the time being, they will continue to be broadcast on Zoom, unless otherwise indicated.
Shiurim by video/phone conference this week:
For Rabbi Botnick's shiurim, join on your Computer or device at:
Call in at: +16132093054 (anytime after 5 minutes before the start time for the shiur) and enter meeting ID 613 688 2025, followed by #.
Monday, 6:45 PM-Hilchos Shabbos
Click Here to see the text that we will learn.
This class For men Only:
Wednesday, 8:00 PM -Meseches Succah
This class is now being taught in person. If you wish to access it via zoom, please contact Rabbi Botnick by Wednesday with that request.
Thursday, 6:50 PM - Likutei Sichos
Thursday, 8:00 PM-Ottawa Beis Medrash Night
Bring a chavrusa or let us find one for you
Below this line For women Only:
Tuesdays, 11:00 AM Concepts in Tanya
Taught by Mrs. Michale Chein
Special Zoom Room: https://zoom.us/j/5045317473
Shabbos Afternoon - Local Chapter of LiveWithGPS.Com
Hosted by: Mrs. Chana Hayes